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Saturday, April 1, 2023

Greatest threat to the USA is Peace; China is now fearless drawing red lines with US and no longer can be bullied. 史无前例! 中美天津會談. 史無前例! 第一次有一個國家



Greatest threat to the USA is Peace

 The greatest threat to the USA is not China, but Peace. Peace in the world would bring an end to the evil American Empire that is built around war and a war economy. When there is Peace in the world, the Americans would be lost. They would not know what to do, many employed just to agitate for wars would be jobless. The whole Military Industrial Complex would be out of business. All the American military bases in the world would be redundant, so would all the aircraft carriers, military aircraft, ICBMs, weapons of mass destruction and all the supporting war industries.

Employment would become the number one problem in the USA when the American war machine is crippled due to its irrelevance. All the CIA operators would be out of work. All the fake news about threats and enemies would become jokes.

The nearly US$1 trillion military budget would be totally extravagant without wars, without enemies.

When there is Peace in the world, the Americans would have to create jobs for themselves, to make themselves useful again as responsible people, not warmongers and murderers, not merchants of war. There will be no one to buy their expensive war machine, no more needs for military gangs aka allies.

The latest peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia brokered by China is being condemned by the Americans, calling it a threat to American interests. The Americans are all out to break this Peace deal. This is how evil the Americans are, all set to create war and against Peace.  Peace is against the interests of the Americans, an evil Empire thriving on wars and instability and selling weapons to kill and destruct in wars.

China's proposal for a ceasefire in Ukraine and to start Peace negotiation is condemned by the Americans and the Americans also said there cannot be ceasefire.

The people of the world have woken up to the evilness of the Americans. Everyone wants Peace except the Americans. Only the blind and idiotic are still supporting the evil Americans in their warmongering and evil ways.



China is now fearless drawing red lines with US and no longer can be bullied. 史无前例!

中美天津會談. 史無前例! 第一次有一個國家
Unprecedented! China-U.S. Tianjin Talks
Unprecedented in history.
For the first time there is a country

謝鋒: 敦促美方改變極其危險的對華政策
Xie Feng: Urge the U.S. to change its extremely dangerous China policy

The recent talks between China and the United States surprised the world even more than the last meeting in Alaska, and shocked the United States even more. Because in this meeting for the first time, China has completely, systematically and sharply denounced the anti-China behavior of the United States, and issued a list of correcting the wrong policies, words and deeds of the United States, as well as individual cases that China cares about and should be corrected. This is a diplomacy that the United States has never encountered an  opponent. Because the United States has dominated the world for more than a hundred years. It has successively defeated competitors such as Spain, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, and the Soviet Union, and maintained its position as the head of the global village. It can be said that there has never been a country that has issued a list and drawn red lines for the United States like China.  Before that, only the United States had this kind of attutude to others.

Yes, on earth, in the eyes of the United States, there are mainly six types of countries. The first category is allies, such as Israel, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Australia, etc.;
The second category is occupied countries, such as Japan and South Korea;
The third category is quasi-allies, such as some countries in Europe, the Philippines in Asia, South Africa in Africa, and Brazil in the Americas.
The fourth category is countries with strategic cooperation, such as Saudi Arabia, India, Turkey, Egypt, etc.;
The fifth category is some weak countries that can be bullied by it at will;
The sixth category is countries that are hostile to the United States, but their overall strength is indeed far behind, such as Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea and other countries.
These five types of countries can only rely on, flatter, deal with, or succumb to the diplomatic pressure of the United States.  The only exceptions are Russia and China. Relying on its strategic weapons and military strength, Russia often confronts the United States tit for tat, but it has never directly reprimanded the Americans diplomatically. China, on the other hand, has a comprehensive ability to resist pressure due to the enhancement of its political, military, economic, technological and other comprehensive strengths. It is also the first country to directly reprimand Americans on diplomatic occasions and draw red lines for Americans.

Americans are very shocked. All the elites in Washington these days are realizing the significance of China's actions.
This time China has created six unprecedences.
The first is that Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng has systematically and completely reprimanded the Americans, which is unprecedented.
The second is to publish the complete critical speech of the Chinese before the Americans, without saying a single word of the other party's speech, which is unprecedented.
The third is to directly issue a list of questions for Americans to correct their mistakes, which is unprecedented.
The fourth is the refusal to discuss the American list of problems, and the refusal to discuss cooperation without the United States correcting its mistakes, which is unprecedented.
The fifth is to directly deny the United States' definition of Sino-US relations, which is unprecedented.
The sixth is to directly draw the bottom line for Americans to improve Sino-US relations, which is unprecedented.

The three bottom lines drawn by Foreign Minister Wang Yi are almost impossible for the United States to abide by. This also means that from now on China will not intend to unilaterally tolerate and improve bilateral relations when the Americans insist on going their own way.
Wang Yi said:
First, the United States must not challenge, slander, or even try to subvert the path and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.  This is the core interest that China must uphold.
Second, the United States must not try to obstruct or even interrupt China's development process. China urges the U.S. to lift all unilateral sanctions, high tariffs, long-arm jurisdiction and technology blockade imposed on China as soon as possible.
Third, the United States must not violate the sovereignty of China's national sovereignty, let alone undermine China's territorial integrity. It is not allowed to damage China's sovereignty on issues such as Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong. As for the Taiwan issue, it is even more important.
If the "Taiwan independence" dares to provoke, China has the right to take any necessary measures to stop it. We urge the US side to honor its commitments and act with caution on the Taiwan issue.
As long as you take a serious look at these three bottom lines, you can see that Americans may never abide by these three bottom lines. If China dares to draw them, it shows that China is determined to fight the United States to the end this time. Either the United States will change its course and China-US relations will be on the right track, or China will not hesitate to show its sword and show its cards to force the Americans to submit to these major issues.

一句話,美國不得處心積慮搞垮中國、搞衰中國、搞亂中國,這是高壓線。如果美國一面堅持這三搞,一面又假惺惺要與我們合作,那是不可能的。大家都說,外交是需要實力做後盾的,中國第一個正式教訓美國、提出改正錯誤清單、明確劃定底線,底氣是什麽? 我認為是三條
In a word, the United States must not deliberately try to bring China down, destroy China, and mess up China. This is a high-tension line. It would be impossible for the US to insist on these three activities while pretending to cooperate with us. Everyone says that diplomacy needs the backing of strength. China is the first to formally teach the United States a lesson, put forward a list of mistakes to correct, and clearly draw the bottom line.
What is the confidence? I gathered three recognitions.
First. The Chinese people's support for the leadership of the Communist Party and their recognition of the country's system and path have reached an unprecedented high level.
The Chinese people have never had before as they do today such a clear understanding of the ugly nature of imperialism and capitalism, and the ugly faces of those hideous people who cooperate with each other from the inside and the outside.
This is where China has the most confidence.
The second is that after 70 years of rapid development, China has made great progress in the fields of politics, economy, culture, finance, science and technology, military affairs, and diplomacy. It has become the second strongest country in terms of comprehensive strength. From the perspective of development momentum, it is entirely possible to become a superpower that surpasses the United States in about 20 years. Tomorrow I will analyze that.
China is not afraid of the so-called comprehensive decoupling between China and the United States.
The third and most important one is that China already has a very specific and realistic nuclear strike capability. This is a capability that the United States is particularly afraid of and dreads. Russian President Vladimir Putin once said that if Russia does not exist, then the world is meaningless to us.
What he meant was that if someone was going to destroy Russia, Russia was going to destroy the world. This is why a country whose GDP is only at the level of Guangdong Province in China, and whose economic scale is smaller than that of South Korea, is feared by Americans. Because Russia have the ability to destroy America more than once.  If the United States and Russia start a nuclear war, they will definitely destroy themselves.
In fact, today's China, the United States is very clear, already has the actual nuclear capability to destroy the United States.


My country's latest Dongfeng 41 intercontinental missile is currently the most advanced in the world. Its performance has surpassed the American Minuteman 3 and Russia's Topol M, with a range of up to 15,000 kilometers. It can carry more than a dozen nuclear warheads with variable orbits, and the nuclear equivalent is equivalent to 23 atomic bombs that bombed Nagasaki Hiroshima. Under such nuclear missile attacks, it is difficult for a country to survive. The most terrible thing is that Dongfeng 41 is mobile and all-weather, that is to say, it can be launched from any place at any time, This ensures that China has a reliable second-strike nuclear capability.  Because such a mobile missile cannot be completely destroyed in the first round of nuclear strikes. Therefore, from now on, the Americans will never dare to have any fluke mentality to start a war with China. What's more, China also has the submarine-launched nuclear missile Julang-3, which also has a range of more than 15,000 kilometers. It is also a multi-warhead nuclear bomb and is also a highly mobile strategic weapon. Julang 3 only needs to be in the inner sea of ​​Bohai Sea to complete the launch. Land-based and sea-based also have mobile long-range nuclear strike capabilities. If you have such an advanced dog-beating stick in your hand, you will certainly have the confidence to see any vicious dog.

朋友們,美國人這一次也創造了一個前所未有。當中國人訓斥了舍曼一行之後,後半程的談判,美國人囂張氣焰不見了。相反,面對中國人空前的強硬態度,美國人在現場、美國國務院發言人、美國總統和國務卿都表達過一個意思,那就是美國不尋求與中國對抗與沖突。你們聽一聽,這本來是多年來,相對處於弱勢的中國,一再宣稱的概念,現在,每當中美兩國劍拔督張時,他們多半會這樣說,這也是前所未有的,為什麽? 這是因為中國的戰略核武器越來越厲害,美國人很忌憚。所以我再次強調,與中國開戰,美國人想都別想。
Friends, the Americans have also created an unprecedented situation this time. After the Chinese reprimanded Sherman and his party, the arrogance of the Americans disappeared in the second half of the negotiations.
On the contrary, in the face of the unprecedented tough attitude of the Chinese, the Americans at the scene, the spokesperson of the US State Department, the US President and the Secretary of State all expressed one meaning, that is, the US does not seek confrontation and conflict with China.
Listen. China for many years was relatively weak. This is a concept that has repeatedly declared for many years.
Now, whenever China and the United States draw their swords to counter each other, they will probably say something like this. This is also unprecedented.
Why? This is because China's strategic nuclear weapons are becoming more and more powerful, and Americans are very afraid.  So I emphasize again that Americans should never even think about going to war with China.*


I hope that every Chinese can forward this patriotic article to make our China stronger and stronger and support, all patriotic groups.




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