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Showing posts with label injustice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label injustice. Show all posts

Saturday, November 4, 2023

How the Israel-Palestinian Conflict Mirrors Malaysia's Apartheid Issue

The Israel-Palestinian conflict has polarized people worldwide, and in Malaysia, it has stirred strong emotions, especially among Malays and non-Malays. This conflict has revealed deep divides among races in the country. Some politicians from DAP have openly supported the Palestinian cause, separating this discussion from the actions of Hamas.

Non-Malays often identify with the Palestinians, feeling like victims themselves due to inequalities in their own country. They struggle to understand why Malays are so sensitive about this international conflict when Malays enjoy privileges that non-Malays do not. These privileges include preferential treatment in public universities, access to scholarships, and opportunities in government services. The conflict becomes a mirror reflecting local disparities, leading to further tension and division among Malaysians.

I am curious about the human mind, especially in the context of how different communities perceive and respond to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Among my non-Malay friends, their reactions likely stem from a desire for empathy. They might want Malays to understand the frustration and sense of inequality they experience as second-class citizens in their own homeland.

This sentiment is often heightened among non-Malays who are not recent migrants but have roots in Malaysia that span multiple generations. For them, the connection to the land goes back several decades, if not centuries, and they might feel a deep sense of injustice when they perceive disparities in treatment and opportunities. Their reactions to the Israel-Palestinian conflict could be a way of expressing their own struggles for equality and recognition within their home country. It reflects a complex interplay of historical context, identity, and a quest for fairness and understanding among different communities.

In situations where certain groups are suppressed, particularly in areas like education and economics, an interesting psychological phenomenon often occurs: the victims tend to become stronger and more resilient. This resilience stems from a deep human drive to overcome adversity and succeed despite challenges.

In Malaysia, the Chinese community, in particular, has instilled a culture of excellence in their children. They emphasize the importance of being not just the best locally, but on a global scale. This mindset has driven many to excel internationally.

Surprisingly, those who were given advantages and opportunities haven't always proven to be the best, even within the Malaysian context. This has led to a situation where foreign workers are brought in to fill gaps left by disillusioned Malaysians seeking better prospects abroad.

Addressing the issue of brain drain requires acknowledging the core problem: unequal opportunities for all citizens. When equal opportunities are provided, individuals are more likely to invest their talents and skills in their home country, fostering a sense of belonging and encouraging them to contribute to the nation's growth and development.

The Israel-Palestinian conflict, rooted in millennia of history and recent events, serves as a poignant reminder for nations like Malaysia about the importance of equitable treatment and opportunities for all individuals. The shared affiliation to Jerusalem by both parties emphasizes the deep historical and cultural connections that people have with their homeland.

In the context of Malaysia, the conflict underscores the vital lesson of not depriving anyone of opportunities and treating each person equally as a human being. By ensuring fairness and equal opportunities, societies can foster harmony and prevent deep-seated grievances from festering. When diplomacy fails to address these grievances, conflicts can escalate into wars. In Malaysia, while physical conflict hasn't reached the point of violence, there are social and political tensions that reflect underlying issues.

As we witness conflicts around the globe, it becomes evident that none of us are truly safe from the repercussions of injustice and inequality. To navigate these challenges, societies must learn from these global conflicts and work toward inclusive policies and equal opportunities. Being prepared to address these issues constructively is essential to prevent societal explosions, promoting a more peaceful and harmonious coexistence.

Written by Dr. Kamsiah  Haidar
- a lecturer in dentistry UM some years ago.

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