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Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Betrayed Sabah and Sarawak have no other way but to seek independence, claim activists, due to current trajectory of Malay supremacy

Joint Press Statement 
14th December 2024 

Borneo Human Rights Activists Call for Self-Determinations Amid Rising Malay Supremacy"..... 

The claim by the former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and several Perikatan National leaders that have banded together to oppose a "common enemy" of the Malays refers.

As Borneo human rights activists advocating for equality and justice, we are deeply troubled by Malaysia’s alarming rapid drift towards Malay supremacy and extreme racial religion policies. These ideologies not only contradict the Federal Constitution but also betray the original spirit of unity and mutual respect that led to the formation of a secular Malaysia in 1963.

Not long ago, Sultan Nazrin Shah of Perak issued a statement in principle that "political exploitation of race and religion threatens national unity and must be swiftly contained". 

But the recent escalation of racial and religious extremism, coupled with explicit threat against blatant disregard for the rights and aspirations of Sabah and Sarawak, forces us to confront an uncomfortable question: Does it still benefit Sabah and Sarawak to remain as part of Malaysia?

1. Betrayal of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63)

When Sabah and Sarawak agreed to form Malaysia alongside Malaya and Singapore in 1963, it was under a promise of equality and mutual respect. The Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63, if valid) guaranteed autonomy for Sabah and Sarawak, including control over our resources, religion, and education. However, over the decades, these promises have been systematically eroded.

Instead of fulfilling the commitments of MA63, the federal government has prioritized Malay supremacy and policies that marginalize the ethnic Bornean tribes and Chinese communities who form the majority in East Malaysia. This is a betrayal of the founding principles upon which Malaysia was built.

2. The Reality of Malay Supremacy

Malay-Islamic supremacy has become the dominant ideology in Peninsular Malaysia, dictating policies and governance. This ideology excludes not only non-Malays but also the native tribes of Sabah and Sarawak. Our people face systemic neglect, underdevelopment, and lack of representation, despite contributing significantly to the nation’s wealth through oil, gas, and other natural resources.

The extreme racial and religious policies instituted by the New Economic Policy since 1970 being pursued in Peninsular Malaysia are in direct conflict with the multicultural and inclusive ethos of Sabah and Sarawak. These policies not only alienate us but also threaten the unity and diversity that Malaysia was meant to represent.

3. Pulling Out as a Viable Option

Given this reality, the best decision for Sabah and Sarawak may be to reassess our position within Malaysia. The ongoing marginalization of our people and the federal government’s refusal to honor MA63 makes it clear that East Malaysia’s future may be better served outside the federation.

An independent Sabah and Sarawak could focus on uplifting the ethnic Bornean tribes and Chinese communities who have long been sidelined. We could build a nation based on fairness, inclusivity, and mutual respect—values that have been steadily eroded within Malaysia.

4. East Malaysia’s Diversity as a Strength

Sabah and Sarawak are home to a rich diversity of ethnic groups of Orang Asal and Chinese. Unlike Peninsular Malaysia, where racial and religious divisions dominate, East Malaysia has a history of coexistence, toleration, respect and harmony among its communities.

Our strength lies in this diversity, and we must protect it from the toxic ideologies of Malay supremacy and religious extremism. Pulling out from Malaysia would allow us to preserve our unique identity and chart a future that prioritizes equality, development, and justice for all.

5. A Call for Self-Determination

The time has come for Sabah and Sarawak to seriously consider their options. Remaining part of Malaysia under the current trajectory of Malay supremacy and racial extremism is no longer viable. Our people deserve better than being treated as second-class citizens in a federation that was meant to be a partnership of equals.

We must explore the possibility of self-determination and independence, ensuring that the voices and aspirations of the ethnic Bornean tribes and Chinese communities are heard and respected.

6. Protecting the Spirit of Unity and Justice

Malaysia’s move toward Malay supremacy is a direct threat to the harmony and justice envisioned in MA63. If the federal government continues to ignore the legitimate concerns of Sabah and Sarawak, the only logical path forward is to withdraw from Malaysia and reclaim our autonomy.


As  human rights activists, we firmly believe that Sabah and Sarawak have the right to decide their own future. The growing extremism and racism in Malaysia leave us with little choice but to consider independence. Let us work together to build a future where all communities—Bornean tribes, Chinese, and others—can thrive in equality and harmony, free from the toxic ideologies that plague Peninsular Malaysia.

Daniel John Jambun
President Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo) 

Robert Pei President Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Peter John Jaban
Publicity and Information Chief Sarawak Association for Peoples Aspirations (SAPA) 

William Watson Persatuan Etnik Dayak Asal Sarawak (PEDAS)

Jovilis Majami President Persatuan Pembangunan Sosial Komuniti Sabah (BANGUN)

Waynin Setimin
President Persatuan Prihatin Mualaf Sabah.

Alim GA Mideh
Bulang Birieh Dayak Civil Movement Sarawak 

Ricky Ganang
Penasihat Forum Adat Dataran Tanah Tinggi Borneo (FORMADAT)

Cleftus Stephen Mojingol President Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumpun Dayak Sabah (PKRDS)

Versi Bahasa Malaysia.

Kenyataan Media Bersama
14 Disember 2024

Aktivis Hak Asasi Manusia Borneo Menyeru Penentuan Nasib Sendiri di Tengah-Tengah Kebangkitan Ketuanan Melayu

Kenyataan yang dibuat oleh bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan beberapa pemimpin Perikatan Nasional yang bersekutu untuk menentang "musuh bersama" orang Melayu adalah sangat membimbangkan.

Sebagai aktivis hak asasi manusia Borneo yang memperjuangkan kesaksamaan, kami amat prihatin terhadap peralihan Malaysia yang semakin menjurus ke arah ketuanan Melayu dan dasar perkauman yang ekstrem. Ideologi ini bukan sahaja bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan, tetapi juga mengkhianati semangat perpaduan dan saling hormat-menghormati yang menjadi asas pembentukan Malaysia pada tahun 1963.

Baru-baru ini, Sultan Nazrin Shah dari Perak telah mengeluarkan kenyataan yang menegaskan bahawa "eksploitasi politik berasaskan kaum dan agama mengancam perpaduan nasional dan mesti dibendung segera". Namun, peningkatan ekstremisme kaum dan agama, disertai dengan pengabaian hak dan aspirasi Sabah dan Sarawak, memaksa kita untuk bertanya: Adakah Sabah dan Sarawak masih mendapat manfaat dengan terus kekal dalam Malaysia?

1. Pengkhianatan terhadap Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63)

Apabila Sabah dan Sarawak bersetuju membentuk Malaysia bersama Malaya dan Singapura pada tahun 1963, ia dibuat dengan janji kesaksamaan dan penghormatan bersama. Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 (MA63) menjamin autonomi Sabah dan Sarawak, termasuk kawalan terhadap sumber, agama, dan pendidikan. Namun, janji-janji ini telah dikhianati secara sistematik selama beberapa dekad.

Sebaliknya, kerajaan persekutuan telah mengutamakan ketuanan Melayu dan dasar-dasar yang meminggirkan suku kaum asal Borneo dan komuniti Cina yang merupakan majoriti di Malaysia Timur. Ini adalah pengkhianatan terhadap prinsip-prinsip asas pembentukan Malaysia.

2. Realiti Ketuanan Melayu

Ketuanan Melayu kini menjadi ideologi dominan di Semenanjung Malaysia, yang mempengaruhi dasar dan pentadbiran. Ideologi ini bukan sahaja mengecualikan kaum bukan Melayu, tetapi juga suku kaum asal Sabah dan Sarawak. Rakyat kita menghadapi pengabaian sistemik, kurang pembangunan, dan kekurangan wakil yang mencukupi, walaupun menyumbang secara signifikan kepada kekayaan negara melalui sumber minyak, gas, dan hasil bumi lain.

Dasar perkauman dan keagamaan yang ekstrem di Semenanjung Malaysia bertentangan secara langsung dengan nilai-nilai inklusif dan pelbagai budaya di Sabah dan Sarawak. Dasar ini bukan sahaja mengasingkan kita tetapi juga mengancam perpaduan dan kepelbagaian yang sepatutnya menjadi teras Malaysia.

3. Menarik Diri sebagai Pilihan yang Wajar

Melihat kepada realiti ini, pilihan terbaik bagi Sabah dan Sarawak mungkin adalah menilai semula kedudukan kita dalam Malaysia. Peminggiran yang berterusan terhadap rakyat kita dan keengganan kerajaan persekutuan untuk memenuhi janji-janji MA63 menunjukkan bahawa masa depan Malaysia Timur mungkin lebih cerah di luar persekutuan.

Sabah dan Sarawak yang merdeka boleh memberi tumpuan kepada meningkatkan taraf hidup suku kaum asal Borneo dan komuniti Cina yang telah lama dipinggirkan. Kita boleh membina sebuah negara yang berasaskan keadilan, keterangkuman, dan penghormatan bersama—nilai-nilai yang semakin terhakis dalam Malaysia.

4. Kepelbagaian Malaysia Timur Sebagai Kekuatan

Sabah dan Sarawak adalah rumah kepada pelbagai kumpulan etnik Orang Asal dan Cina. Tidak seperti Semenanjung Malaysia, di mana perpecahan kaum dan agama mendominasi, Malaysia Timur mempunyai sejarah hidup harmoni dan kerjasama antara komuniti.

Kekuatan kita terletak pada kepelbagaian ini, dan kita mesti melindunginya daripada ideologi toksik ketuanan Melayu dan ekstremisme. Menarik diri daripada Malaysia akan membolehkan kita mempertahankan identiti unik kita dan merangka masa depan yang mengutamakan kesaksamaan, pembangunan, dan keadilan untuk semua.

5. Seruan untuk Penentuan Nasib Sendiri

Masanya telah tiba untuk Sabah dan Sarawak mempertimbangkan pilihan mereka dengan serius. Kekal sebagai sebahagian daripada Malaysia di bawah trajektori ketuanan Melayu dan ekstremisme perkauman kini tidak lagi wajar. Rakyat kita berhak mendapat lebih baik daripada terus dilayan sebagai rakyat kelas kedua dalam sebuah persekutuan yang sepatutnya menjadi rakan setara.

Kita mesti meneroka kemungkinan penentuan nasib sendiri dan kemerdekaan, memastikan suara dan aspirasi suku kaum asal Borneo dan komuniti Cina didengar dan dihormati.

6. Melindungi Semangat Perpaduan dan Keadilan

Peralihan Malaysia ke arah ketuanan Melayu adalah ancaman langsung kepada keharmonian dan keadilan yang diimpikan dalam MA63. Jika kerajaan persekutuan terus mengabaikan kebimbangan sah Sabah dan Sarawak, jalan ke hadapan yang logik adalah menarik diri daripada Malaysia dan mendapatkan semula autonomi kita.


Sebagai aktivis hak asasi manusia, kami percaya bahawa Sabah dan Sarawak mempunyai hak untuk menentukan masa depan mereka sendiri. Peningkatan ekstremisme dan perkauman di Malaysia meninggalkan kita dengan sedikit pilihan selain mempertimbangkan kemerdekaan.

Mari kita bekerjasama untuk membina masa depan di mana semua komuniti—suku kaum asal Borneo, Cina, dan lain-lain—dapat hidup dalam kesaksamaan dan keharmonian, bebas daripada ideologi toksik yang mencemari Semenanjung Malaysia.

Daniel John Jambun
Presiden, Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo)

Robert Pei
Presiden, Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ)

Peter John Jaban
Ketua Publisiti dan Maklumat, Sarawak Association for Peoples Aspirations (SAPA)

William Watson
Persatuan Etnik Dayak Asal Sarawak (PEDAS)

Jovilis Majami
Presiden, Persatuan Pembangunan Sosial Komuniti Sabah (BANGUN)

Waynin Setimin
Presiden, Persatuan Prihatin Mualaf Sabah

Alim GA Mideh
Gerakan Sivil Bulang Birieh Dayak Sarawak

Ricky Ganang
Penasihat, Forum Adat Dataran Tanah Tinggi Borneo (FORMADAT)

Cleftus Stephen Mojingol
Presiden, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Rumpun Dayak Sabah (PKRDS)

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Facts, not fiction, dear MPS

A doctorate thesis involves serious research and lots of facts, yet an MP who has a PHD did no research when making outlandish claims. And it could cost her dearly.

Resolutely defiant: Dr Siti Mastura has stubbornly clung on to her far-fetched claims even when the facts are strikingly clear. — Screecapture/RTM

PAS Member of Parliament for Kepala Batas Siti Mastura Muhammad holds a doctorate. The 35-year-old politician studied at the Al-azhar University in Egypt before getting her PHD in Islamic Development Management from Universiti Sains Malaysia, with the best thesis award as well.

So, one would have expected her to be a well-trained academic with skills in carrying out research.

Sadly, accuracy isn’t her strong point. Worse, she has stubbornly clung on to her farfetched claims even when the facts are strikingly clear.

She has now gained a notorious reputation and if there is any award for worst research, Siti Mastura will easily beat the other 221 MPS to win it.

Recently, the High Court ruled that remarks made by the religious academician linking prominent political figures Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang, his son Lim

Guan Eng, and Seputeh MP Teresa Kok to the late Communist Party of Malaya leader Chin Peng and Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew were defamatory and uttered with malice.

Judge Datuk Quay Chew Soon ruled that Siti Mastura’s statements were defamatory and that her defence – including fair comment, qualified privilege, and innocent dissemination – were not proven.

“I therefore award the following global damages: RM300,000 in favour of Lim Kit Siang, RM250,000 in favour of Lim Guan Eng, and RM200,000 in favour of Teresa Kok,” he said, adding that the plaintiffs would also be entitled to a 5% interest on the sum from the date of judgment until full payment is made.

The judge also issued an injunction restraining her from repeating or publishing similar defamatory remarks against the

plaintiffs in the future.

Siti Mastura was also ordered to pay legal costs – RM25,000 each to the three plaintiffs, given that the three suits were heard together, thus saving costs.

Quay said he was satisfied that Siti Mastura’s remarks had exposed the plaintiffs to hatred and public opprobrium, and went beyond the realm of mere political criticism.

“Criticism of political opponents is legitimate only if it does not cross into the realm of defamation,” he stated.

“Despite holding a PHD with good research practices, she relied on a campaign book that was unverified, without a publication year, author, publisher, or ISBN number,” the judge said.

It isn’t clear if Siti Mastura will pay the damages, or if she would file an appeal now. None of the other PAS leaders have come out to speak on the matter, or if the party would help her raise the ordered amount.

The matter could have been easily settled if she had apologised to the aggrieved parties. Instead, she insisted on sticking to her outlandish claims.

It was not the only time she had done so.

In March, Siti Mastura was embroiled in another controversial claim that 1.2 million Chinese nationals have been in the country illegally since 2018 and had not left.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution rubbished the claims, saying the allegations were unfounded and could not be defended.

The administration, he said, was transparent about the issue and based its response on data. The facts are these: 46 million foreigners entered the country between Jan 1, 2021, and Dec 31, last year. Of this, 39 million had left, meaning six million are still here.

Saifuddin noted that those who remained were here on long-term passes valid for three to five years, adding that this did not include those on social visits, diplomatic and student passes, among others.

The Home Minister added that 2.6 million foreigners who overstayed had already come forward to register with the Immigration Department.

Guan Eng has also said that the Hansard shows that only 92 Chinese nationals were detained as undocumented migrants during an early 2023 crackdown, with 809 being denied entry into the country that year, “numbers which starkly contrast with the figures Mastura had mentioned”.

He said Perikatan Nasional leader Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin, who was home minister during the Pakatan Harapan administration, had admitted that the claim was inaccurate. Citing the Hansard from 2022, he quoted Hamzah as saying the home ministry would make a correction.

The Dewan Rakyat should not be a place where MPS can make unsubstantiated claims – or worse, spout outright lies – and get away with it by proclaiming their privileges.

Siti Mastura had to pay the price only because she made her allegations against the DAP leaders at an open political gathering.

We are coming to 2025 soon, and it wouldn’t be too much if voters expected a certain level of competency from their representatives.

Siti Mastura, for one, needs to go back to school as even secondary school students writing essays know the importance of checking facts.

If PAS picks her to defend her Kepala Batas seat, and she wins again in the next general election, it would indeed be bizarre and outlandish. - On The Beat Wong chun WAI

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Monday, December 16, 2024

A mind outside the brain


Proponents say the mind does not exclusively reside in the brain or even the body, but extends into the physical world.

THE notion of the extended mind challenges traditional understandings of cognition by suggesting that mental processes are not confined solely to the brain but are, instead, distributed across the brain, body and environment.

This innovative perspective posits that the tools we use, the spaces we inhabit, and the social interactions we engage in are integral components of our cognitive processes.

Rather than viewing the mind as an isolated entity, the extended mind theory encourages us to consider how our surroundings, technologies and relationships shape our thoughts, memories and problem-solving abilities.

At its core, the concept emphasises that cognition is not merely an internal affair but a dynamic interplay between individual mental states and external factors.

This framework opens up a rich field of inquiry into how we think, learn and interact with the world around us.

By recognising the mind’s extension into the external world, we gain new insights into the nature of intelligence and the ways in which we can enhance our cognitive capabilities.

Roots of theory

The extended mind theory draws from a rich tapestry of philosophical thought.

One of the earliest proponents of ideas resembling the extended mind was American philosopher William James, who emphasised the fluidity of consciousness and the importance of external stimuli in shaping mental states.

Additionally, the works of phenomenologists, particularly Maurice Merleau-ponty, highlighted the embodied nature of cognition, asserting that our understanding of the world is deeply intertwined with our physical presence within it.

Andy Clark and David Chalmers’ contribution was particularly groundbreaking, as they introduced the parity principle, which states that if an external entity functions in the same way as an internal cognitive process, we should consider it part of the cognitive system.

This principle challenges traditional notions of mind and body as separable entities, suggesting instead that our cognitive landscape extends into our interactions with the world, including the tools we use and the social contexts we inhabit.

Despite its innovative approach, the extended mind theory has faced scrutiny from various quarters – critics argue that it risks overextending the boundaries of cognition. They assert that while tools may assist cognitive functions, they do not replace or embody them in the same manner as internal mental processes.

Proponents, however, say that cognitive processes can indeed be distributed, emphasising that the relationship between mind and environment is not merely one of assistance but a dynamic interplay that shapes thought itself.

By acknowledging the role of external elements, proponents assert that we gain a more nuanced understanding of cognition, one that reflects the complexities of human experience in an increasingly interconnected world.

By looking beyond the confines of the brain, we can explore the intricate relationships between mind, body and environment, setting the stage for a deeper investigation into the implications of this theory.

Key areas involved

There are three key areas where the implications of the extended mind theory manifest:

> The environment

The extended mind theory posits that cognitive processes are not confined to the brain but are distributed across the individual and their environment.

This perspective encourages researchers to explore how physical spaces, social contexts, and even the material objects we interact with can shape our cognitive abilities.

For example, studies have shown that the arrangement of a workspace can significantly impact creativity and problem-solving capabilities. Environments rich in stimuli can enhance memory recall, while those lacking in engagement may lead to cognitive stagnation.

Moreover, the concept of affordances i.e. how the environment offers opportunities for action, plays a crucial role in shaping our cognitive experiences.

When individuals interact with their surroundings, they engage in a dynamic exchange that influences their thought processes.

This interaction suggests that understanding cognition requires a holistic view that incorporates environmental factors rather than isolating cognitive functions within the confines of the brain.

> Role of technology

Technological advancements have further expanded the boundaries of the extended mind.

From smartphones to wearable devices, technology has become an integral part of our cognitive tool kit.

These tools not only serve as extensions of our memory – storing information we might otherwise forget – but also enhance our problem-solving abilities by providing instant access to vast amounts of data.

Cognitive scientists are increasingly examining how technology modifies our cognitive processes e.g. using augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality.

However, this increased reliance on technology raises important questions about cognitive offloading – where individuals transfer cognitive tasks to external devices.

While this can lead to increased efficiency, it may also result in a decline in certain cognitive skills, such as memory and attention.

The challenge lies in striking a balance between leveraging technology as an extension of our cognitive capabilities while maintaining the essential skills that underpin our cognitive health.

> Social interactions

The extended mind framework also emphasises the role of social interactions in cognitive processes, highlighting how collective cognition emerges when individuals collaborate and share knowledge.

Cognitive scientists have found that group dynamics can significantly enhance problem-solving abilities, as diverse perspectives contribute to a richer understanding of complex issues.

Collaborative tools, such as shared documents and online communication platforms, facilitate this collective cognition by enabling real-time exchanges of ideas and information.

These interactions not only augment individual cognitive capacities but also create a shared cognitive environment that fosters creativity and innovation.

Research has demonstrated that groups capable of effectively leveraging their collective intelligence can outperform individuals working alone.

Applications in daily life

External resources we can use include:

> Tools to enhance memory and learning

From simple notepads and whiteboards to sophisticated digital applications, these tools serve as extensions of our cognitive capabilities. For instance, writing down information helps to offload cognitive burdens, allowing individuals to process and retain information more effectively.

Smartphones and tablets provide access to vast amounts of information, enabling learners to engage with content in diverse ways e.g. via interactive quizzes or multimedia presentations.

These tools not only facilitate the encoding and retrieval of information but also support active learning strategies, such as spaced repetition, which can lead to deeper understanding and retention.

> Collaborations to solve problems

When individuals come together, their collective cognitive resources can exceed the capabilminds. ities of isolated Teamwork allows for the poolknowledge, ing of skills and perspectives, resulting in enhanced problem-solving and creativity.

For example, brainstorming sessions leverage the diverse insights of team members, leading to innovative solutions that may not have emerged from solitary thinking. Moreover, collaborative tools – such as shared digital platforms and project management software – create environments where ideas can be easily exchanged, thus extending cognitive processes beyond the individual.

> Mindfulness and environmental awareness

Being attuned to our surroundings and recognising how they influence our thoughts and behaviours can lead to more intentional decision-making.

Meditation and nature walks can enhance our awareness of the relationship between our minds and the external world, enabling us to engage with our environments in more meaningful ways.

We can then create environments – be it through decluttering our spaces or surrounding ourselves with inspiring stimuli – that promote focus, creativity, and mental well-being.

Future direction

The concept of the extended mind has significantly reshaped our understanding of cognition, challenging traditional notions that confine mental processes within the skull.

By positing that our cognitive capacities extend into our environments, tools and social interactions, the theory offers a broader perspective on how we think, learn and interact with the world around us.

This paradigm shift has profound implications not only for cognitive science but also for education, technology, and our daily lives.

One promising direction lies in the integration of technology into our cognitive processes.

Researchers might explore how emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and AR, can serve as cognitive extensions, enhancing our problem-solving abilities and decision-making processes.

Future studies could investigate how social networks and collaborative platforms influence group dynamics and collective problem-solving.

By examining the interplay between individual and communal cognition, researchers can better understand how we can harness the power of social interactions to enhance learning and innovation.

Mindfulness and environmental awareness also present fertile ground for exploration.

In conclusion, the theory of the extended mind invites us to reimagine the boundaries of cognition and its myriad influences.

By embracing the extended mind framework, we can unlock new avenues for understanding human cognition, ultimately enriching our experiences and interactions in an increasingly complex world.

By Datuk Dr Nor Ashikin Mokhtar who is a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, and a functional medicine practitioner. For further information, email starhealth@ The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only, and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader’s own medical care. The Star does not give any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this column. The Star disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.


Nourish your hair with the right vitamins and minerals

nsufficient calcium can cause you pain

Jet-set thieves give the slip


Caught in the act: A suspect being detained on a local commercial flight for theft recently. — Courtesy photograph

Mid-air heists see cash, jewellery stolen from unwary passengers

PETALING JAYA: Commercial airlines are becoming a hot spot for jet-setting thieves who orchestrate mid-air heists on unsuspecting passengers.

Two weeks ago, two Chinese nationals were fined a total of RM5,700 by the Balik Pulau Magistrates’ Court for stealing over RM5,500 from two Malaysians during a flight from Penang to Kuala Lumpur.

This incident is the latest in a series of thefts that have occurred onboard commercial airlines recently.

On Oct 26 this year, The Star reported the arrest of a 49-year-old man from mainland China on suspicion of stealing more than HK$4,300 (RM2,430) from two passengers during a flight from Malaysia to Hong Kong.

ALSO READ: 267 inflight missing item reports lodged at KLIA since 2022 

Recently, during a flight from Penang to Kuala Lumpur, a male suspect was caught red-handed stealing RM3,000 cash belonging to another passenger.

Apprehended on board, the perpetrator was handed over to the authorities upon landing.

Most of these thefts have gone unreported, as most victims do not realise they have been robbed until long after they have disembarked the aircraft.

On Dec 4, the Hong Kong security chief revealed that thefts on board aircraft bound for Hong Kong almost doubled this year.

According to government data, a total of 169 reports were lodged in the first 10 months of 2024 against 92 recorded in the whole of last year.

What was stolen was mostly cash in various currencies, expensive jewellery, luxury watches and credit cards totalling about HK$4.32mil (RM2.46mil).

A commercial pilot told The Star that these thefts happened quite frequently and were often orchestrated by syndicates.

“These thefts normally occur on Vietnam, Bangkok and China routes, both inbound and outbound,” he said.

“The spate or frequency of these thefts also increases during busy travel periods such as the holiday or festive seasons.”

According to the pilot, the thieves would operate as a team of several individuals, depending on the flight and size of the aircraft.

He said catching them in the act could be difficult, as they would have a game plan.

“First, they would be travelling as separate individuals,” he said.


“They would also scout potential victims at the boarding gate prior to the flight.”

The crime would normally be perpetrated when the plane was at cruising altitude and once the cabin lights were dimmed for sleeping.

One of the individuals would attempt to retrieve their bag from the overhead compartment and in the process rummage through the belongings of the targeted victim.

Upon making off with the valuables, the person would pass the stolen items to their accomplice at drop-off points such as the aircraft lavatory.

“Because of this, it is difficult to apprehend these criminals,” said the pilot.

“If caught red-handed, they would simply admit that they had mistakenly taken the wrong bag and apologise. If they suspected that the crew had found out that a theft had taken place, they would toss the item away, making it look like the victim had misplaced it.

“In the event that a theft had been confirmed and the suspects were apprehended, the pilot would transmit a message through ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) to the ground station for a security team to investigate and apprehend the suspects.”

For those who have fallen victim to these thefts, the airlines are not considered responsible for the missing valuables or personal belongings.

Those who had travel insurance would also have to provide a police report and a detailed account from the airline to prove and corroborate that the item(s) were indeed stolen during the flight, said an insurance expert.

“Insurers will require solid proof to accept a claim, failing which it will be construed that the loss of the items is due to negligence,” he added.

“If the claim is accepted, the settlement or quantum for the lost items will be based on the policy and coverage.”

Some airlines have already begun taking steps to limit the incidence of in-flight thefts.

This includes making frequent announcements to remind passengers to be mindful of their personal belongings and not to change seats during the flight.

On some flights, cabin lights will be dimmed instead of being turned off to reduce opportunities for theft.

If there are suspected individuals identified by the security team on the ground, a memo will be issued to the crew.

The ground staff will also be instructed to assign these individuals to window seats instead of the aisle seat to restrict their movement.

If there are suspicions that these criminals are on board, the cabin crew will also be instructed to be alert and step up patrols during the flight.

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267 inflight missing item reports lodged at KLIA since 2022

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