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Showing posts with label Theft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theft. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Millions stolen from bank with insider help; Theft prompts security review

KUALA LUMPUR: The suspects linked to the siphoning of millions from a bank targeted their victims based on insider information, says Bukit Aman.

Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director Comm Datuk Seri Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf (pic)said the group stole the money in stages after they had identified high-value account holders.

“The money was taken out via the bank counter and the first one was conducted around April. Several more were done in May and June.

“With inside help, the money was taken out according to bank procedures. The case only came to light after an account holder went to the bank to update details,” he said at a press conference yesterday. 

He said it was possible that syndicate members who were working in the bank also directly facilitated the transactions.

Among those caught included a bank manager.

Investigations showed that the mastermind had expertise in forgery and the syndicate members would use forged identifications to take money out of targeted accounts. 

“The details would be the same but the photo and thumbprints would be changed,” he said, adding that forged documents were then used to facilitate the money transfers.

Meanwhile, another case has been detected, with losses involving RM551,000.

“This was done at another bank earlier in the year and we are also investigating that case,” he said.

When contacted, Comm Ramli said 13 people, including four bank employees, were detained recently in connection with millions of ringgit that vanished.

Arrests were mostly made in Kota Kinabalu with one suspect caught in Padang Besar, Perlis.

The case is currently being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating.

“The involvement of bank personnel in commercial crime is a very serious matter.

“In the past, we have encountered cases where bank personnel were complicit in crimes such as criminal breach of trust or embezzlement.

“There are also those who were in cahoots with theft or scam syndicates,” he said.

Comm Ramli urged financial institutions to improve their security such as tightening procedures or imposing stricter measures in regard to withdrawal from accounts.

“Such measures are necessary to prevent theft or missing funds from customers’ bank accounts.

“We feel that improvements are needed for the sake of the account holders,” he said.

From 2022 to June 15 this year, a total of 485 cases of missing funds from bank accounts have been recorded involving RM35.01mil in losses.

“From the overall statistics, this year alone we recorded RM25.76mil in losses and 65 cases.

“The highest number was 225 cases last year, but it involved only RM4.82mil, followed by 195 cases in 2022 involving RM4.42mil,” he said.

Besides the involvement of “inside men” in financial institutions, Comm Ramli said another factor that could have contributed to the missing funds was disclosure of banking details to a third party.

“Our investigations revealed that some victims might have intentionally or unintentionally revealed details of their online banking username and password,” he said.

Comm Ramli said scammers are known for using the phishing technique to dupe victims via email or text messages.

He advised the public to stay vigilant and be wary of tactics used by scammers.

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Theft prompts security review

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Theft prompts security review


PETALING JAYA: A recent embezzlement case involving bank staff in Kota Kinabalu has sparked calls for tighter security measures in financial institutions.

Universiti Sains Malaysia criminologist Datuk Dr P. Sundramoorthy (pix) said the recent case that saw over a dozen arrested was both concerning and a wake-up call.

“Although the number of wrongdoings and criminal acts by bank employees may be very minimal, it cannot be ignored.

ALSO READ: RM24.2mil fraud: BNM requests prompt refunds to all affected account holders 

“The rakyat, investors and the business community depend on the banks to safeguard their money.

“We don’t have a choice in this matter.

“Banks must aggressively play a role in eliminating undesirable employees,” he said, adding that banks need to invest in internal security and loss prevention departments, even if it incurs costs.

“These departments should have the expertise to detect embezzlement, fraud and misconduct by employees,” he said.

“Security investments are assets, not liabilities.”

ALSO READ: Millions stolen from bank with insider help

Drawing comparison with law enforcement bodies, he added that employees at highly sensitive areas should be rotated to avoid any potential for leakages within the bank, even if they are competent in their jobs.

“This is especially important for positions with access to customer accounts,” he said.

Pre-employment screening must also be done for all employees with regular assessments for those in service, he added.

Duties must also be “robustly” segregated, with dual authorisation practices implemented as well.

“That was a substantial amount of money (lost) and I hope measures will be taken.

“Since it was an inside job, the bank must be responsible for covering every single ringgit and sen that was misappropriated.

“Banks must be proactive and they should work together with the victims and law enforcement to ensure such incidents are reported.

“Employee pilferage is not new but it is also not frequent. We must not tolerate it,” he said, adding that harsh penalties and criminal charges must be meted out on those involved.

Such cases, he said, also affects the credibility of the bank involved as customer confidence will drop.

Previously, Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director Comm Datuk Seri Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf said that four police reports were lodged since early June regarding suspicious transactions, with losses estimated to be around RM24.2mil.

As of June 18, the police have arrested 13 suspects aged between 22 and 52 years old.

Four suspects were found to be employees of the bank.

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Thursday, March 28, 2024

How the Philippines colludes with US government, think tank and media in 'sadfishing' itself, demonizing China on South China Sea issue


The China Coast Guard expels Philippine vessels which had illegally intruded into waters adjacent to Ren'ai Jiao in China's Nansha Islands, on March 23, 2024. Photo: VCG

The Philippines has been making a show of the South China Sea issue for a long time. It has repeatedly provoked China and created tension in the South China Sea region while turning a blind eye to historical facts. Seemingly suffering from a sort of histrionic personality disorder, the Philippines has not only staged many farces on the issue, but also colluded with anti-China forces in the US-led West to play the thief crying "stop thief."

Last week, during his visit in the Philippines, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly "criticized China's provocative actions" in the South China Sea. Portraying the Philippines as a victim and China as a "perpetrator" has become a common intrigue to win attention and sympathy in the international community.

Supplying to its vessels illegally grounded on China's sovereign islands in the South China Sea is a trick of showmanship that the Philippines has employed in recent months. On Saturday, it sent a supply vessel and two coast guard vessels to intrude into the adjacent waters of China's Ren'ai Jiao (also known as Ren'ai Reef) in disregard of China's strong opposition. 

"China's Coast Guard took necessary measures at sea in accordance with the law to safeguard China's rights, firmly obstructed the Philippine vessels, and foiled the Philippines' attempt," Chinese Foreign Ministry stated that same day.

Days earlier, Philippine civil group the Atin Ito coalition said it was planning another mission to the South China Sea with the aim of "delivering aid to fishermen" around China's Huangyan Dao (also known as Huangyan Island). According to Philippine media, the group openly claimed to mobilize "a delegation of international observers" to join their mission. It didn't seem to mind making the involvement of Western forces public.

"What it's like on board an outnumbered Philippine ship facing down China's push to dominate the South China Sea (CNN, March 26)," "China coast guard flexes its might against the Philippines in disputed waters as journalists look on (The Economic Times, March 27)"… It's not exaggeration to say that most media stories that smear China on the South China Sea issue, whether by Philippine or Western media, are products of the collusion between the anti-China forces of the Philippines and the US-led West. 

The Global Times has looked into some of the various collusion forms, trying to reveal what's behind the current numerous untrue and misleading "media reports" that one-sidedly support the Philippines and attack China.

People protest with signs and placards on Mendiola Street against the visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the Philippines in Manila, on March 19, 2024.Photo: VCG

People protest with signs and placards on Mendiola Street against the visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the Philippines in Manila, on March 19, 2024. Photo: VCG

Closely linked Philippine coast guard, 'civil groups,' and US scholars

The Atin Ito coalition disclosed its new "supply mission" plan at an event it held in Manila on March 14. The event gathered senior officers from the Philippine military and government, and representatives from the British, Australian, Dutch, Swedish, and European Union embassies, local media Palawan News reported the following day.

The guest list implied that Atin Ito has never been an ordinary "civil group." Close sources told the Global Times that the group was led by Risa Hontiveros, an anti-China senator who once asserted raising the notorious 2016 South China Sea "arbitration" to the United Nations General Assembly. Last winter, Hontiveros planned a "Christmas supply" mission for Atin Ito, asking the group members to send food and goods to a military vessel "stationed" at Ren'ai Jiao with the help of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG).

Atin Ito had tried to land on Huangyan Dao and plant the Philippines flag on the island in June 2016. According to the Philippine Daily Inquirer, a US scholar Anders Corr was among the group's activists aboard the fishing boat that intruded into the adjacent waters of the island.

All the information has reflected that the so-called "civil groups" resupplying Huangyan Dao and Ren'ai Jiao are "nothing but a farce jointly planned by a few Philippine politicians and military, as well as the anti-China forces in the US-led West," Yang Xiao, deputy director of the Institute of Maritime Strategy Studies, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times.

In an article published on March 6, The Associated Press (AP) introduced a PCG strategy of publicizing "aggressive actions" by China in the South China Sea, which aims to "spark international condemnation that has put Beijing under the spotlight." This strategy is known as "offensive transparency." 

"We will continue [with the strategy]," PCG spokesperson Commodore Jay Tarriela said in February.

Joining the PCG in 2005, Tarriela allegedly has numerous links with the US. In 2021, he was largely involved in bilateral US-Philippine collaboration, including in the Pacific Forum's US-Philippines' Next Generation Leaders Initiative, a project sponsored by the US Department of State, through the US Embassy in Manila. 

According to an article by The Philippine Star in December 2023, Tarriela was considered a representative of the "pro-American faction," and even faced "CIA agent" accusations on social media.

Raymond Powell is another name frequently mentioned in the Philippines' "offensive transparency" strategy. 

A retired US colonel, Powell is the founder of the security think tank Project Sealight, and leads the "Project Myoushu" at Stanford University in cooperation with the PCG and some Philippine Foreign Ministry officials. 

The main purpose of the project is to support the "offensive transparency" strategy and help create a "victim" image for the Philippines on the South China Sea issue.

A US Air Force C-130 cargo plane comes in for a landing past US marines F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets during the semi-annual Philippine-US military exercise at the airport of the former US naval base in Manila, the Philippines, on July 13, 2023. Photo: VCG

A US Air Force C-130 cargo plane comes in for a landing past US marines F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets during the semi-annual Philippine-US military exercise at the airport of the former US naval base in Manila, the Philippines, on July 13, 2023. Photo: VCG

US journalists invited on board

On March 5, two supply vessels and two coast guard vessels from the Philippines, illegally intruded into the adjacent waters of Ren'ai Jiao of China's Nansha Qundao, in an attempt to send materials, including construction materials, to the vessel illegally grounded at Ren'ai Jiao. The China Coast Guard took strict regulatory action to curtail the Philippine vessels' intrusion.

It is worth noting that the Philippines' mission included journalists from CNN, who said they witnessed a "high-stakes confrontation" that day, and wrote features that described their experiences on board in detail. 

The CNN reporters wrote it was "the first time foreign journalists have been allowed to embed with the fleet in decades." But in fact, more than 10 years ago, US media reporters had boarded Philippine official vessels, including supply vessels, and wrote distorted media reports based on their first-hand experiences.

Early in 2013, The New York Times reporter Jeff Himmelman had been to the "Sierra Madre" vessel illegally grounded at Ren'ai Jiao for an interview, and later described the confrontation between China and the Philippines at South China Sea as "a game of shark and minnow" in a feature story. 

Himmelman revealed that before they arrived they had "already hooked things up" with the local officials and the Filipino Navy.

In recent years, US journalists have been frequently invited on Philippine ships to participate in the PCG's "missions." In 2023 alone, two AP reporters and several other media staffers were invited aboard three PCG vessels that protect supply ships in November. In April 2023 the PCG reportedly invited many journalists, including those from the AP, to join a 1,670-kilometer "patrol."

According to a Chinese correspondent who worked in the Philippines for many years, there is a large number of US journalists in the Philippines. The Philippine authorities maintain close contact with foreign journalists in the country, and therefore, "it is easy for the authorities to seek cooperation from US journalists," said the correspondent who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The PCG's purpose of inviting journalists on board is to deliberately amplify the possible "incidents" through media, and to launch defamation warfare against China, the correspondent told the Global Times. "But I think [directly taking CNN reporters on board the PCG vessels] is excessive, and is even a sort of 'dishonor to the country,'" the correspondent added. "There is resentment within the Philippines, too."

US-funded Philippine media

Searching online media coverage on the South China Sea, one may find that Philippine and US media outlets are particularly close. They quote and forward each other's South China Sea stories, working closely together in attacking China on this topic.

Some of the major Philippine media outlets that are active in reporting on South China Sea include Rappler, VeraFiles, and the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism. 

Having called themselves "independent", these media outlets turn out to be are reportedly funded by the CIA and the US' infamous National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

In 2019, journalists from the aforementioned three media outlets were accused of receiving payments from the CIA, "a potential criminal offense under local law." The accusations claimed that the CIA uses the NED to channel funds, and the three media outlets "receive substantial grants from the NED," said the organization Committee to Protect Journalists in May that year.

VeraFiles, for instance, started receiving funds from the NED since 2016. 

The NED website shows that, so far VeraFiles has got five batches of money from this US government-backed foundation, totally $350,600. It's far from a small amount for a media outlet without full-time reporters (only three editors and two web technicians). But VeraFiles has never disclosed how it spent the money.

Obviously, the Philippines has deeply colluded with the US government, think tanks, and media from top to bottom in "sadfishing" itself and demonizing China on the South China Sea issue. Worse still, such a nasty trick by the Philippines may become normal and diversified in the future, said Chen Xiangmiao, director of the World Navy Research Center at the National Institute for South China Sea Studies.

In response to the slander, Chen suggested China fight back with strong facts including on-site images, videos, and objective data. "We should make it clear to the international community what China's claims are in the South China Sea," Chen told the Global Times. "Do not let the US and the Philippines skew international public opinion."

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Friday, October 6, 2023

Weeding out the black sheep, Bad boys sacked





Bad boys sacked

Bukit Aman will not compromise when it comes to rogue personnel

Despite stern reminders by the top brass to stay clear of criminal activities, more than 60 officers and rank-and-file policemen have been expelled since January this year for committing crimes such as theft, drug-pushing and abduction. Bukit Aman Integrity and Standard Compliance Department director Comm Datuk Seri Azri Ahmad says the force acts promptly and does not compromise on rogue personnel.

Petaling Jaya, 5 Oktober 2023 - In just 10 weeks, almost 70 police personnel have been arrested for alleged wrongdoings in cases that were reported nationwide.

The 70 policemen were arrested in connection with six cases in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Johor, Negri Sembilan, Perak and Kedah.

Among the crimes they allegedly committed were abduction, theft, drug pushing and drug abuse.

Deputy Inspector General of Police, DIG Dato’ Sri Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay in a recent news report said that between January and July, 62 personnel were expelled from the force, while hundreds of others were punished with disciplinary action for various offences.

He said that last year, 154 officers and rank-and-file personnel were sacked from the 135,000 strong police force, compared to 117 in 2021.

A recent case on Sept 26 involved five policemen, including an officer-in-charge of a police station (OCS), who were arrested in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, for abduction, wrongful confinement and assault.

Director of Integrity and Standard Compliance Department, CP Dato’ Sri Azri Ahmad said, the cases of errant police personnel are not taken lightly as they could erode public confidence and put the force in a bad light.

“We always act promptly when such cases are reported, and there is no compromise. The first thing we do is remove the errant personnel from their posts and distance them from the public so they cannot continue abusing their power. An internal or criminal investigation, or both, is then carried out depending on the offence committed,” he told The Star.

Comm Azri said that apart from being charged in court, internal actions against police personnel include suspension, removal from active duty, demotion, freeze in promotion and pay cut.

Criminologist Datuk Dr P. Sundramoorthy of Universiti Sains Malaysia’s Centre for Policy Research said the rise in cases of police misconduct and power abuse over a period of just over two months is worrying.

“These are cases that went public. How many more are unreported? There should be zero tolerance for rogue cops, and those who violate the law must have stern action taken against them.

“Accountability is the key component, and the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the heads of department to weed out such bad hats. It is also high time for the government to form an independent commission to investigate such cases involving members of the police force.

“Often, people are reluctant to report any unpleasant encounter with crooked cops. When such cases are exposed, it will restore public confidence and encourage people to step up and lodge formal complaints,” he said.

The latest case occurred in Desa Petaling where five policemen, including an inspector with shady alliances with gambling den syndicates, allegedly abducted a 26-year-old man on the order of the syndicate’s leader before confining the victim at a police station.

The victim, who was the caretaker of a gambling den, was allegedly snatched from a restaurant and assaulted after his employer accused him of stealing more than RM13,000 and demanded that he repay three times the sum.

Kuala Lumpur police chief Comm Datuk Allaudeen Abdul Majid said the case took place because the suspects lacked integrity and put self-interest above their duty as policemen.

On Sept 18, four policemen, one with a previous criminal record for extortion, were arrested for aiding two suspects to steal 40m of copper cables belonging to Telekom Malaysia in Taman Kanagapuram, Petaling Jaya.

On Aug 29, 37 police personnel, including officers, were arrested in Johor by the Malaysian Anticorruption Commission for taking kickbacks and tampering with urine samples meant for testing drug abuse since 2018.

On Aug 19, 15 policemen were arrested in a raid along with two public prosecutors for misconduct after they patronised an entertainment outlet in Seremban.

On Aug 10, a 32-year-old policeman from the Seberang Perai district police headquarters was arrested for drug pushing in Sungai Petani, Kedah. He was found in possession of over five kg of syabu.

On July 8, six policemen who were arrested at an entertainment outlet in Ipoh tested positive for drug abuse. The raiding party from Bukit Aman also recovered drugs from the men.