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Showing posts with label Malay race and religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malay race and religion. Show all posts

Sunday, June 18, 2023

PN-PAS MP Says Nurses’ Attire Are ‘Too Tight’, Gets Bashed Over Remarks By Medical Circle


Pn mp says nurses' attire are 'too tight', gets bashed over remarks by medical circle | weirdkaya

The topic of attire has long been a debatable issue in Malaysia, where clothes that are deemed to show too much skin or don’t reach a certain length are labelled as ‘sexy’ or ‘revealing’.

Recently, it was brought back into the spotlight again after a Perikatan Nasional (PN) MP told Parliament today that he felt the uniform of nurses were “too tight”.

 PN MP says nurses’ attire are ‘too tight’

During a Parliamentary debate session over the Public Health White Paper yesterday (June 15), Kuantan MP Wan Razali Wan Nor said that the current attire for nurses were too tight and don’t comply with Syariah requirements.

Most of them are wearing tight clothes and the shape of their bodies can be seen, which is not syariah-compliant. I would like to ask whether we are going to keep following the Western mould on the dress code for nurses?

He also cited Kelantan’s Hospital USM Kubang Kerian and Pahang’s Sultan Ahmad Shah Medical Centre as examples of how nurses were given alternative attires to change into.

  Kuantan mp wan razali wan nor

Screenshot via FB/Wan Razali Wan Nor,
Kuantan mp wan razali wan nor Screenshot via FB/Wan Razali Wan Nor

“I wish to ask whether can it be changed and given leeway, as displayed by several healthcare facilities where their female staff are given alternatives to dress more suitably,” he said as quoted by Malay Mail.

Medical circle decry remarks

Wan Razali’s comments were not widely received by those in the medical circle, who roundly criticised him for it.

The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) said it was ashamed to see the MP showing more concern towards nurses’ attire rather than issues currently plaguing the healthcare system.

Malayan Nurses Union president Nor Hayati Abd Rashid concurred, telling FMT that the uniform was designed to be functional and to ease nurses in carrying out their duties.

Pn mp says nurses' attire are 'too tight', gets bashed over remarks by medical circle | weirdkayaPhoto via Berita Harian

The rules for the uniforms are that they cannot be too tight and the (length of the top) must be below the buttocks. There is a guideline.

“It is up to the nursing supervisor to look out for this. Normally, the sisters or matrons will advise nurses if their uniforms are too tight,” she said.

Nor Hayati added that the uniform has been worn for years and wondered what was the cause for Wan Razali’s remarks. Malaysia has seen a fair share of people being subjected to attire policing in recent months, with some being downright ridiculous:

M’sian Woman Not Allowed To Enter Gombak Police Station Over ‘Improper’ Attire

A woman who wanted to lodge a report at the Gombak police station was preventing from stepping into the premises after she was told her attire was ‘improper’. This is the latest incident where individuals were barred from entering public or government premises for allegedly wearing attire which violated the dress code. Barred from 

M’sian Woman Barred From Entering Kuantan Hospital Over Knee-Length Pants

In yet another bizarre case of attire policing, a woman was barred from entering a hospital in Kuantan for wearing a pair of knee-length pants. A video of the incident soon found its way to Twitter, where it has since elicited strong condemnation from netizens. Barred from entering hospital over knee-length pants In the 15-second … Continue 

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Time to nurse that sick obsession

Nurses' uniform too tight, says PAS MP



MMA raps PAS MP for claiming nurses' uniforms too tight


Nurses' uniforms too tight, not syariah-compliant: PN MP

Monday, March 20, 2023

Free Malaysia of racism, corruption and religious bigotry, ‘Time to chart a new future’ - says PM


Show of support: Anwar surrounded by supporters as he arrived at the Youth Empowerment Fair at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre here yesterday. He called on Malaysians to stop corruption, racism and religious bigotry. — Bernama


KUALA LUMPUR: It is time for Malaysians to unite and back the current leadership to end corruption as well as racial and religious bigotry, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“Remember, I need the full support of every Malaysian. It is time for Malaysia to chart a new history.

“No more corruption. Stop racism and religious bigotry. Let us work together,” Anwar said to a standing ovation during a youth dialogue session at the Youth Empowerment Fair at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre here yesterday.

Anwar said it was heart-warming that youth at the dialogue session supported his stand.

“When I look at the innocent faces of youth, who were full of support, I’m telling you, you made my day. I love you guys,” he added.

Earlier, the Prime Minister said it was fine for students to be involved in political activism as long as they did not end up as lackeys or staunch party loyalists.

“You want to be an activist? Okay, but don’t be a ‘macai’ (lackey) or ‘walaun’,” he said.

Walaun is a colloquial reference which describes individuals who are staunch PAS loyalists.

Anwar also spoke about his experience as a student activist, which landed him two years in the Kamunting detention centre under the Internal Security Act (ISA) after he protested against rural poverty.

He said the silver lining in his imprisonment was that he began reading books.

“I started reading books that I didn’t read when I was at university. That is why I got a little smarter,” he added.

Without naming names, Anwar also said a certain desperate leader who had fallen out of power had resorted to manipulating sensitive public issues.

“He also resorted to religious bigotry without any understanding,” he said.

The premier warned that stern action would be taken against those who stoked racial and religious flames.

“For those expressing their opinions, we will protect your rights.

“But those who are playing up racial and religious issues, dividing the people, and instigating violence – I will take stern action,” Anwar said.

Last Friday, after chairing a Cabinet meeting, Anwar said he had ordered security forces to be on high alert against those stirring up racial and religious rhetoric ahead of a planned “Malay Proclamation” gathering that was to be attended by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The gathering was called off after its organisers failed to secure the venue for the second time. They were also rejected for a third time yesterday.

At the dialogue yesterday, Anwar fielded questions from youth in the session moderated by actress Amelia Henderson.

Various issues were raised, and he committed to addressing them, including the monopoly of Touch ‘n Go in the highway toll collection system.

“Touch ‘n Go has operated for more than two decades, and there were no convincing developments in its system.

“We will reconsider the Touch ‘n Go monopoly,” he added.

Other issues raised were the need to improve the public transport system and cannabis legalisation, to which he said he would consider all views. 

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Anwar wants a stop to racism and religious bigotry

 Dr Mahathir calls PM Anwar’s unity govt a ‘dictatorship’ after 'Malay Proclamation' rally cancelled

Saya orang Melayu....but seriously Tun just where are you going with this?

If this is from Muhyiddin...yes. From Hadi? Also, a yes. ....but surely you would have more sense than to invite Malays to this event to proclaim that the Malays "menghadapi kemungkinan hilang kuasa".

I am 75 Tun...and never in my life have I ever thought that the Malays "menghadapi kemungkinan hilang kuasa". Never ever...and it would be disingenuous...maybe even treasonous of you to suggest that the Malays now "menghadapi kemungkinan hilang kuasa". And the only reason for you to want to create these kinds of mischief is for personal political gain. Using race to further your own political gain, must surely be treason because it brings back shades of May 13 and the killing fields that came with May13.

Are there Malays who will be with you in this endeavor to take back Malaysia from the non Malays? For sure there will be.

Will there be Malays who can be whipped up into a frenzy of hate and loathing for the non-Malays to the extent that they will resort to physical violence to put the others in their place - as pendatangs to their Tanah Air? For sure there will be as there were, during May13.

The line between love and hate among the Malays and the others in this wretched country of ours, alas, is so thin and fragile because that is how you have wanted it to be. And all it takes to take racial balance over the edge is for some Malay leader to do what you are doing now....ask the Malays to rally together because the Malays "menghadapi kemungkinan hilang kuasa".

The Malays are not losing political power. *You, Tun M have lost political power. *

The Malays have not lost their dignity. *You have lost your dignity, Tun. *

The Malays have not lost their self-respect. You have lost yours.

Personally, I am so, so disappointed by the things you have done after you lost your seat and your deposit in Langkawi. And, not only you, but everyone else in your Pejuang has also lost their seats and their deposit in GE15.

So now there is only Putra and PAS left for you to go to. Damm dignity, damm self-respect and damm any trace of self-worth that you might still have left within you. You have now gone crawling to Hadi not to ask for help, but to beg. To beg Hadi to throw you a lifeline to save you from downing - drowning in a pool of political irrelevance that you are already drowning in.

Hadi better help you Tun because God will surely not!

'Malay proclamation' to be launched, witnessed by Dr M - FMT


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Sunday, December 4, 2022

Political factor was crucial, kindness and graciousness of DAP




PETALING JAYA: A wide range of views has emerged on the Cabinet line-up but most analysts agree on one thing – it reflects the current political set-up and the need to appease all the parties involved.

“I think it does reflect the strength and number of seats that each party has,” said senior fellow from Nusantara Academy for Strategic Research, Dr Azmi Hassan.

He described the appointments as “fair”, adding that they were made in tandem with the ratio of parliamentary seats held by each party.

The main factor in determining the line-up of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Cabinet was the need to please the political parties involved, he added.

This, he said, was to ensure that Anwar would have the support of the parties in the unity government.

“The political factor was crucial in determining the Cabinet appointments,” he added.

Azmi said the ministerial appointments might not please everyone.

DAP, he noted, has been relatively quiet since the Cabinet list was unveiled.

“I would understand why – they (Pakatan Harapan) needed to appease Barisan Nasional and thwart the advance of PAS,” he said.

The 28-member Cabinet includes 15 Pakatan ministers comprising four from DAP, eight from PKR, two from Amanah and one from Upko.

There are six Barisan Nasional ministers, five from Gabungan Parti Sarawak, one from Gabungan Rakyat Sabah and one without a political party – Datuk Mohd Na’im Mokhtar, a Syariah court chief judge who was appointed Religious Affairs Minister.

Presently, Anwar has the support of Pakatan’s 82 MPs, Barisan (30 MPs), GPS (23), GRS (six), Warisan (three), Muda (one), KDM (one), Parti Bangsa Malaysia (one) and two independent MPs.

International Islamic University Malaysia’s Dr Tunku Mohar Tunku Mohd Mokhtar said the Cabinet line-up was a result of negotiations between the Prime Minister and the component coalitions of the unity government.

“It reflects the proportionality of the components and party hierarchies,” he said.

He added that parties such as Muda and Warisan were not given ministerial positions, “but I think they would not protest about it”.

However, Tunku Mohar noted that Barisan chairman Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s appointment as Deputy Prime Minister had compromised Pakatan’s pledge for good governance.

Ahmad Zahid is facing 47 charges involving criminal breach of trust, corruption and money laundering.

Universiti Sains Malaysia senior lecturer Dr Azmil Mohd Tayeb said the Cabinet was one which Anwar could cobble up based on the current political arrangement.

“It’s much slimmer and appeases almost everyone,” he said.

However, he was of the view that Anwar should not have assumed the Finance Minister’s post.

The last prime minister to hold both portfolios was Datuk Seri Najib Razak from 2008 to 2018.

Back then, this had come under criticism with Pakatan pledging in its 2018 general election manifesto that the prime minister would not hold the finance portfolio.Azmil also had reservations about the appointment of Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz (International Trade and Industry Minister).

“I don’t think it is a good idea, while excluding someone like Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad,” he said.

Dr Dzulkefly, the health minister in the Pakatan-led administration from 2018 to 2020, had defeated Tengku Zafrul in the battle for the Kuala Selangor seat.

Political analyst Oh Ei Sun, a senior fellow at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, said the Cabinet appointments could appease those supporting the unity government “for a while, perhaps”.

He said the political parties would be “temporarily satisfied” with their allocated representation in the Cabinet.

“But politics nowadays is so fluid that anything could change rapidly,” he added.

Oh, however, conceded that the ministerial appointments reflected the proportion of the various parties in the administration.

“It is, in essence, a coalition government,” he added. 


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