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Showing posts with label Sarawak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sarawak. Show all posts

Sunday, April 21, 2024

A cobbler with a big heart: Give, you shall receive

 Heart of gold: Bohari, who plies his trade at Eastmoore Commercial Centre, is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. — ZULAZHAR SHEBLEE/The Star

Aw: He didn’t hesitate to help us even though we were strangers

KUCHING: Seven years ago, cobbler Bohari Ariffin lent a helping hand to Aw Joo Lee and her wheelchair-bound mother even though they were strangers to him.

Last month, Bohari and Aw reconnected in a touching encounter that subsequently brought well-deserved attention to the cobbler’s kindness.

That day in 2017, Bohari was mending shoes at his usual spot at the five-foot way of Eastmoore Commercial Centre here when he saw Aw with her mother, who was an amputee.

“They wanted to go up the stairs, but her mother was unable to do so. I felt sorry for them, so I approached them and helped to carry her mother up the stairs.

“I did not think of anything, I just carried her up and then carried her back down again, that was all,” Bohari told The Star when met at Eastmoore.

What motivated Bohari to help Aw and her mother was his spirit of humanity.

“Our humanity causes us to sympathise with others. We are all fellow human beings.

“Whatever religion or race we may be, we can help others because it’s for the good of everyone. I didn’t expect anything in return, I just sincerely wanted to help them,” he said.

For Aw, Bohari’s kindness was particularly meaningful as it came at a difficult time for her family.

“At that time, I was there with my mum and my father, who were both in their 80s. I was the only able-bodied person bringing my parents to meet somebody urgently.

“When we got to the building, I was very frustrated because there was a steep flight of stairs and no lift,” she recalled.

“Suddenly this man came up to me. He didn’t say much, but I understood immediately that he was going to help.

“My mum had only one leg, she wasn’t a small woman and she was quite heavy. But Bohari just lifted her and took her up the stairs while I carried the wheelchair.

“When we came down, I said thank you, but we were all pretty distracted by our family issues and left quickly.”

Aw, who is from Kuching but has been living in Singapore for many years, never forgot Bohari and would think about him every time she came back to visit relatives.

On her last trip here at the end of March, he was still on her mind and a friend encouraged her to try looking for him.

“When someone, especially a stranger, helps you at a difficult time in your life, you can never forget.

“It really leaves an indelible mark in your heart.

“Even though I had said thank you, I wanted to know more about that kind stranger and thank him properly,” Aw said.

So she went to Eastmoore and was very happy to find Bohari still there. And Bohari also remembered helping her mother.

“I was really emotional when I saw him again and tears sprang to my eyes.

“When I asked why he had helped us, he said ‘Kita orang sama manusia’ (We are all fellow humans).

“Bohari is really the hero we all need in our lives,” Aw said.

She subsequently wrote about Bohari’s kindness on the Sarawak Public Feedback Facebook page and encouraged people to seek his services.

“I wanted to help him in his business as well, so that’s why I decided to write a simple post about him.

“Being a cobbler is not an easy job, yet for such a humble profession he has a big heart.

“I hope that after this he will be blessed in many other ways and have more supporters,” she said.

Bohari was also moved by his recent meeting with Aw and the Facebook post she wrote.

“When she came to meet me, I shed a few tears myself. She remembered my small good deed, but I would like to thank her too because she thought about it even though it happened so long ago, and she was willing to look for me,” he said.

With the Facebook post, Bohari hoped that Malaysians would become more aware about helping others.

“I hope everyone will show sympathy to others in need. Don’t think that you are better than other people but help where you can,” he said, adding that he had also helped other people who came his way.

“It doesn’t matter who they are. I may not have much, but I will help anyone in need even if they don’t ask.”

Heartwarming tales such as this are promoted and encouraged by the “Maaf Zahir Batin Hari Hari” campaign (#MZB365), which was launched on April 6. The campaign stands strong with support from major media organisations and civil society organisations (CSOs).

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Giving is receiving

It takes a village: The generous act of Ladang Bikam villagers, who recently helped some Hari Raya revellers to beat the balik kampung jam with a shortcut through the plantation (below), touched the hearts of social media users. — Sinar Harian

FEW stories warm the heart quite like our plural society coming together for the greater good.

Usually, these acts of kindness go unnoticed and unreported because they’re expected. But truth be told, we know this is a commodity.

And as with true generosity, these good folks don’t do it for publicity.

It was a week ago when the media reported on a group of Chinese villagers answering the call of travellers using back roads to avoid the nationwide snarl following the end of the Hari Raya holidays.

Commuter Zairul Annuar Zain, relying on Google Maps, thought his smartphone would solve his problem by getting off the highway while heading south. Unfortunately, he found himself on an isolated path in Ladang Bikam, Perak, instead.

Several cars explored the same off-the-beaten-track route, but the journey soon became bumpier because of the bad, hilly road conditions.

Enter a group of 15 Chinese men who approached the stranded vehicles and told the passengers to wait while they set to work.

Armed with a backhoe to excavate and level the road, they managed to ensure the path was flat enough for the vehicles to pass through within 15 minutes.

— Video Screengrab from Zairul Annuar’s FB

“They could have chosen to sleep. Instead, they were willing to take the trouble to help us continue our journey there that night,” said Zairul, who recorded a video of the helpful villagers.

We’re indebted to Zairul for sharing the incident – which went viral – on his Facebook. It’s perfect timing because the nation desperately needs an endearing story, and in the month of Syawal with the nation still celebrating Hari Raya, no less.

Then, there was another wonderful video of a young Chinese man embracing his adopted Malay mother on Hari Raya.

Despite looking very different from the rest of the brood, and knowing he was adopted, the emotional man expressed his gratitude to his mum for raising him and treating him like she did his siblings.

In the last month, Malaysia has been gripped by disconcerting reports, a situation exacerbated by agitating and provoking politicians and netizens. Their insensitive comments on social media have certainly broken our hearts.

That said, there are many unsung heroes in Malaysia, too. These are the people who dedicate their lives to helping their countrymen without deliberating one’s skin colour or religion, and they ask for nothing in return.

Star Media Group and Gamuda Bhd have worked together for nearly 10 years to recognise and reward the kindness with the Star Golden Hearts Award. Our task gets harder with greater competition and nominees becoming more impressive every year. The nominations are submitted to the judges and as chief judge, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, says Malaysia is never short of unsung heroes.

Like when insurance agent Abdul Muhsi Ramlan saw teenager Teh Rui Yuan lying motionless next to his motorbike after an accident and instinctively stopped to help.

He acted fast and asked onlookers to help him load the 17-year-old boy into his car before rushing to the hospital. There, he admitted the boy and even extended himself by trying to get in touch with the teenager’s parents through social media.

Teh eventually recovered and visited Abdul Muhsi with his family after that year’s Hari Raya with a hamper in hand, not only to register their gratitude but mark the festive occasion as well.

“When I saw his face, I just wanted to save him,” said Abdul Muhsi when recalling the accident, revealing that they are still in touch to this day.

Of course, there’s also the heart melting story of one of 2016’s Star Golden Hearts Award winner Mohd Yusuf Rohani caring for diabetic friend R. Doraisamy for four decades.

They are neither related nor from the same cultural background, but none of that matters to them.

The pair met in Ladang Selabak, Perak, when Mohd Yusuf was a Standard Three student and Doraisamy a 28-year-old odd job worker with failing eyesight. Although 19 years separate them, a friendship was forged in which Mohd Yusuf has dedicated himself to helping his friend after learning of his health issues.

Over the years, Doraisamy not only lost his sight, but the lower half of both limbs, too, due to his illness.

“It may be difficult, but I don’t see it as a burden at all because he can’t see, and he has no legs. Who would take care of him if I’m not around to do it?” argues Mohd Yusuf.

His care of Doraisamy runs the gamut of financial aid to cleaning the older friend after his bathroom runs. They may both struggle to make ends meet, but hardship has fused them together for life. From his primary school days through to his marriage and birth of six daughters, Mohd Yusuf has remained resolute in helping his friend, who lives with his younger sister and her husband.

Friendships like these may seem strange, but compassion and kindness cut across all boundaries. After all, it’s the giving that makes us what we are.

Having been involved in the selection process for Golden Hearts before, I can vouch that most Malaysians are compassionate.

From a Chinese-speaking Malay fireman who used his linguistic skills to coax a woman from jumping off her flat, to nurses, doctors and helpers who risked their lives to care for Malaysians during the Covid-19 pandemic, there are many such stories.

There are also groups of youngsters who sacrifice their Saturday nights to distribute food to the homeless in Kuala Lumpur. No one is ignored and no questions are asked either.

As Lee said, the fact that they have been nominated by so many Malaysians vividly attests to the recognition of their good work.

Then, there are caregivers who voluntarily work to help the elderly and disabled, too.

These are tedious jobs which require immeasurable patience and dedication, and again, these volunteers have never asked for coverage to bask in social media glory.

Some are mere individuals while others belong to non-governmental organisations with greater manpower, but the bottom line is, they’ve positively impacted all of us in Malaysia through their commitment.

Let’s be honest, many of us have grown tired and weary, and even given up on our country, going as far as to encourage overseas based friends and family to remain there for a brighter future.

However, the stories above serve to remind us that Malaysia is truly unified, barring egotistical and selfish politicians whose vocabulary barely extends beyond the word boycott.

In truth, it’s us who should turn away from them. Although race and religion routinely take the rap, the world is ultimately divided into good and bad people.

The “Maaf Zahir Batin Hari Hari” campaign (#MZB365), launched on April 6, is also promoting heartwarming tales of unity in Malaysia. The campaign stands strong with support from major media corporations and civil society organisations. Check out the stories on

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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Govt has ‘duty’ to accept English but Official letters not in BM will be returned, can the return improves the weak ringgit and brain drain: Grand plans for Malaysians working in Singapore

SIBU: The Federal Government is obligated to accept letters that are written in English in official communications from Sarawak, says state Deputy Public Health, Housing and Local Government Minister Michael Tiang.

“The Federal Government, in fact, has a duty to entertain English letters from Sarawak for official communications, as the National Language Act 1963/67 was never extended to Sarawak,” he said in a statement yesterday.

“Sarawakians are therefore free to opt to use English or Malay for letters to federal government departments since both languages are official languages in Sarawak.

“Particularly the use of the English language in Sarawak which is guaranteed by Article 161(3) of the Federal Constitution.”

ALSO READ: Federal Govt must accept official correspondence in English, says Sarawak minister

He was responding to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s directive to all government departments and universities not to entertain any letters written in languages other than Bahasa Malaysia.

Tiang, who is also Pelawan assemblyman, reminded the Prime Minister that English and Malay are official languages in Sarawak.

In KOTA KINABALU, Deputy State Secretary (Development) Datuk Dr Ahemad Sade said Sabah will keep to its optional use of English in all its official correspondence until decided otherwise by the state leadership.

“This (directive) was announced by the Federal Government, so we will look at it in detail,” he said after an event yesterday.

The question of whether to follow this policy, he said, will be discussed in a meeting with the state leadership closer to or after the state assembly meeting scheduled for the end of next month.

ALSO READ: Sabah keeping to optional use of English in correspondence until further notice

“For the time being, both Malay and English can be used,” he added.

Former Sabah chief minister Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak, who is Usukan assemblyman, said new policies should be coordinated with Sabah and Sarawak before being implemented.

He said that this is to ensure a smooth implementation while also bringing benefits to all.

“It cannot be denied that Malay is our national language, and we welcome this new policy (directive on all-Malay letters).

“But the importance of English also can’t be questioned,” he said during an excellence in education event in the Kota Belud district yesterday.

Another former chief minister, Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee, said the policy could be detrimental to economic development.

LSO READ: Provide an early foundation in English

He noted that some government departments, by necessity and the nature of their work, must communicate in English.

“English is the lingua franca of international trade, communication and diplomacy.

“I am not only referring to Wisma Putra (Foreign Ministry) but also to agencies like the Malaysia Industrial Development Authority, Malaysia Trade Agency and Bank Negara.

“Returning incoming mail that is written in languages other than Bahasa Malaysia will also send a negative message to the international community.

“It will suggest that Malaysia is not open to foreign investment or trade and that it is not interested in collaborating with other countries,” he said in a statement.

Parti Warisan deputy president Datuk Darell Leiking said the directive should not have been issued arbitrarily but only carried out after seeking the feedback and consensus of the Sabah and Sarawak governments

Saturday, October 7, 2023

King: Lies will ruin country, speak the truth, avoid slander

Slander and lies will undermine the country’s stability and harmony, says Yang di-pertuan Agong Al-sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-mustafa Billah Shah. His Majesty has called on the people to emulate the Prophet Muhammad’s noble character in speaking the truth.

Governing in wisdom: The King and Queen (second and third from left, respectively) attending the national-level Maulidur Rasul celebration at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre. Their Majesties are flanked by the Prime Minister and his wife. — Bernama

Former Honoured: civil servant Shaariah Dahman receiving her Maulidur Rasul award from the King, watched by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar. There were five other recipients of the award at the federal level. 

The Yang di-pertuan Agong Al-sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-mustafa Billah Shah called on the people to emulate the Prophet Muhammad’s noble character in speaking the truth, being honest and avoiding slander and lies.

Sultan Abdullah said words in the form of insults, lies and slander only undermine the country’s stability and harmony.

“Let us take heed of the fall and collapse of civilisation and the great powers of the world as a result of the culture of slander that dominated and festered in the lives of its people,” the King said in conjunction with the national-level Maulidur Rasul celebration at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre yesterday, Bernama reported.

Sultan Abdullah said after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the phenomenon of slander led to a tragic event in Islamic history through the assassination of the third caliph, Saidina Uthman Affan.

“That’s how great a ‘fitnah’ (slander) and deception could be; they not only shed the blood of a great Islamic leader but have also destroyed the harmony and stability of the country.”

The Yang di-pertuan Agong said Muslims have always been reminded to avoid and stay away from people who do not speak the truth.

“The teachings of Islam brought by the Prophet Muhammad encompassed various aspects of human life, including navigating and governing a country with various races and religions, as well as a spectrum of different socio-economic positions.

“The Sirah (history) of Rasulullah also reflects his expertise in governing a country.

“Through his wisdom, Prophet Muhammad has succeeded in freeing mankind from ignorance and building a civilised generation,” Sultan Abdullah said.

The King said the Messenger of Allah had brought the message of Islam to continue to rise and develop in the Middle East and that it became the trigger for the progress and success of communities on other continents, which were in darkness at the time.

His Majesty also said that the Prophet’s noble character was seen as a benchmark of human values in the world’s community.

In conjunction with the celebration, Sultan Abdullah also called on the people to continue upholding the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

“By doing so, we will be able to develop a civilised, successful, harmonious and prosperous country with its people embodying the virtues of humanity,” the King said.

Sultan Abdullah was also optimistic that Malaysia would reach the peak of real success when Islamic law and the Prophet’s noble character served as the basis of the country’s governance.

“Maqasid Syariah (paramount objectives in Islamic Law) should be used as a basic framework in the delivery of services so that the welfare of the people, which is the government’s responsibility, continues to be safeguarded.

“The people should be determined and committed to continue to practise the teachings brought by the Prophet,” said the Yang di-pertuan Agong.

Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah also attended the celebration, themed “Perpaduan Teras Malaysia Madani” (Unity, the Pillar of Malaysia Madani).

Also present were Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and his wife, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

In a Facebook post, Anwar said Prophet Muhammad’s great character and conduct, including his kind and forbearing nature, are the prime examples to follow.

He said the struggle of Prophet Muhammad to preach and guide the people despite facing relentless hostility from his enemies should be an inspiration to persevere in times of hardship.

“Appreciating the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad in leading and uniting various races will certainly raise our awareness to jointly develop this beloved country as a just, peaceful and prosperous one.

“May Allah bestow His blessings and continued prosperity upon the Prophet Muhammad,” the Prime Minister said.

Separately, thousands of Muslims in Sabah and Sarawak enthusiastically took part in the Maulidur Rasul celebration to reflect on the struggles for community development inherited from Prophet Muhammad.

A drizzle in SARAWAK did not dampen the spirits of 10,991 participants from 248 contingents representing various departments and agencies who gathered in Kuching for the assembly and parade at Padang Merdeka.

The event, which started at 7.30am yesterday, was attended by Sarawak Yang di-pertua Negeri Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud, Sarawak Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg and the state government leadership.

In SABAH, over 10,000 people participated in the state-level Maulidur Rasul parade and gathering at the Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC) in Kota Kinabalu.

More than 100 contingents, consisting of government departments, agencies and non-governmental organisations, took part, covering a distance of about 3km from Padang Merdeka to the SICC.

The parade was led by Sabah Yang di-pertua Negeri Tun Juhar Mahiruddin.

Also present were Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor, Deputy Chief Minister III Datuk Shahelmy Yahya, and state assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Kadzim M. Yahya.

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