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Showing posts with label students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label students. Show all posts

Monday, July 3, 2023

KLIA, a corruption gateway?

 -NSTP file pic, for illustration purpose only.

'Entry fee' claim sparks probe

MACC to probe Tiong's allegation of corruption at KLIA

 MACC chief commissioner Azam Baki responds to a claim by tourism, arts and culture minister Tiong King Sing of alleged corruption involving ...
If Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing is right, something is very rotten with the Immigration officers at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport

Tiong said he was there to attend to a complaint lodged by a Chinese tourist that some Immigration officers were allegedly demanding money to either free tourists from detention or to get them through a special lane into Malaysia.

It is not clear if the Chinese tourist was asked to pay any money, but she is said to have been fed only once in the 15 hours she was detained. If this is true, it is an abuse of power that must not be tolerated. Even a prisoner gets fed at regular intervals.

These are tourists who will take these unpleasant stories home to be told and retold about Malaysia, which is "cruel" to foreigners. 

Somewhere in the ugly narratives will be lodged the tale of Malaysia being a land where money can buy almost anything. And it starts at Malaysia's main gateway, the KLIA.

Here is the scale of graft fees, not printed in any permanent form, of course, but to be passed from one tourist to another. An oral tradition of sorts to keep the greedy officers fed. Anything from up to RM3,000 to RM15,000.

If a tourist wants to get out of detention, the "fee" is up to RM3,000. If a speedy passage is needed, the tourist needs to cough up RM15,000, RM3,000 for a "special lane" and RM12,000 for visa-processing costs.

It appears that Tiong was armed for the surprise visit. He brought along his team of integrity officers, whose purpose is not clear. He may have done better by going there with the director-general of the Immigration Department.

A slip he may regret, now that he is being accused of demanding the release of the Chinese tourist, an accusation he is denying vehemently. This is a developing story, of which the nation will hear more.

Be that as it may, corruption among some Immigration officers is regularly featured in the media. Occasionally, Parliament gets to hear about the misconducts or crimes committed by Immigration officers at the gateways to Malaysia.

On June 21, the Dewan Negara, the upper house of Parliament, was told that 136 Immigration officers were found guilty between 2020 and last year: 112 cases were for misconduct and 24 were for convictions by court.

Not a number to be proudly paraded given that it is just to do with the processing of foreigners' entry into the country. Add them all, and it will be a national embarrassment.

How these wayward officers manage to get appointed, or worse, stay in service until they are caught is a question the D-G of the Immigration Department must answer.

The chief secretary to the government may have to revisit the selection, retention and reward systems of public offices to weed out the corrupt and corruptible.

There should be no place for them in public service, not just the Immigration Department.

Tiong has a colourful phrase for the "forever" malaise at the Immigration Department: culture of corruption. Expect this phrase to have a prominent place in the report that Tiong has promised to submit to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. 

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'Full probe into tourist incident' | The Star


Tiong: I stepped in to help

Tiong: I had to step in personally over KLIA incident

MACC to investigate corruption allegations, says Azam Baki

MACC to probe alleged corrupt practices of immigration ...

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Heinous under-aged sex crimes on the rise

 a mother accused of facilitating the abuse of her own child for money.Read more here:

New facility: Comm Hussein cuts a ribbon at the launch of a new hall at the Seri Kembangan police station.

 Cases involve minors, says Selangor top cop

SERDANG: A rise in sexual cases involving those who are underage is a cause for concern and could possibly be due to a lack of knowledge of the law among the people, says the state’s top cop.

Selangor police chief Comm Datuk Hussein Omar Khan said the last four months of the year saw around 155 such cases including statutory rape, with most of the victims being female students.

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While no direct statistics were shared, he noted that the number was higher than the corresponding period last year.

Of the reported cases, 33 suspects were still students themselves, he added.

He revealed this while speaking to the media after launching the Seri Kembangan police station hall here yesterday.

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Asked about the reasons for the high statistics, Comm Hussein said a lack of knowledge regarding statutory rape laws could be a contributing factor.

“In some cases of ‘suka sama suka’ (consensual relations), it was possible that the suspects did not know that statutory rape is a big offence. The poor understanding of the country’s laws could contribute to cases such as these.

“If the victim is below 18, it is an offence regardless of consent,” he said, adding that reports were generally lodged by the victim’s parents, guardians or teachers once they find out.

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Comm Hussein said some cases involved people who had only known each other for days and the youngest victim identified was only 13 years old.

“We also believe that this increase in sexual cases is due to social media and the easy access to pornography online,” he said.

He warned that the unsupervised use of social media applications could lead to unwanted incidents such as these.

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“What I am worried about are these students that are below 18 who are then sentenced to prison for years and years. 

“The victim, too, even if it was consensual, their future could be affected due to mental and physical health issues,” he said.

While more public engagements at schools can be conducted, Comm Hussein said efforts must also come from the parents themselves to ensure their children remain safe.

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